menopause Vitality Coaching and training
what is menopause fitness?
What makes regular fitness any different from menopause fitness? Let me ask you this— have you ever wondered why you can’t lose weight like you used to? Why your six-mile hikes or runs just don’t help you tone up? Why you can’t seem to gain muscle, no matter what you do? Why you can’t fall asleep at night or, if you do fall asleep, you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep? Why you have hot flashes that come out of nowhere?
When we were younger, we could work out all week long only to have fun and eat and drink whatever we wanted on the weekends. Then, when Monday rolled around, we would get back to our cardio and fitness classes and, within a day or two, we’d have lost those one or two pounds gained over the weekend. Unfortunately, this is simply not the case anymore. I’ll let you in on the truth—your body is changing, and your fitness needs to too.
The Menopause Fitness Course aims to help women at all stages of menopause look at the ways their bodies, when working out, respond to their hormones, such as: Cortisol, Thyroid, Insulin, Ghrelin, Leptin, just to name a few.
how does menopause affect fitness?
It's not uncommon for women over forty to face significant changes as a result of menopause, which can often drastically impact their physical and emotional well-being. The Menopause Vitality Program is designed to address these changes and provide a tailored exercise experience that aims to improve strength, flexibility, and overall health. Through this holistic approach to fitness, I want to ensure that women can embrace menopause with a sense of grace and vitality. It’s my goal to provide a fitness experience for women that not only improves their physical well-being but also builds confidence and creates a sense of empowerment. Feeling better in your body is the first step in creating a stronger mind-body connection that can help you to better navigate this stage of life with a greater sense of resilience and positivity.
As we go through the stages of menopause, our hormones start changing leading to things such as weight gain, loose skin, lower bone density, hot flashes, and many more symptoms, with each being unique to you and your body. Current science has proven that, as a woman’s hormones start to shift, they too must shift into a different mindset of how to eat, exercise, sleep, and manage the stress that comes along with that shift.
what does menopause fitness mean to you?
At 55, I was five years into menopause with no symptoms and thought that I was going to be just fine. Except that didn’t happen. My weight started to creep up, no matter how I exercised or how perfectly I ate. The brain fog was ridiculous. And I was waking up in the middle of the night again and again. I finally decided to take matters into my own hands and dedicate the time to do my own research to truly understand what was going on with my body and how to stay fit. Needless to say, it changed my life. I lost the belly fat, the brain fog is gone, and I sleep better than before!
Now, I want to turn that knowledge towards my clients! To help you understand the changes your body is going through and get you feeling good in your own skin again! It’s my goal to help you understand and approach nutrition, exercise, stress, and sleep at your particular stage of menopause to get you feeling energized like you used to, if not better!
If you feel like this course is for you then reach out and let’s schedule your one-on-one discovery call and get you started on the right track!